
Category: English

Daniel Moor

What Can These 2 Pillows Teach You About Finding Harmony Between Your Mind, Heart And Spirit?

Hey Reader, a few weeks ago I ran the first part of the Integrating Heart – Mind – Spirit workshop series, and from what people had to share, they found it really helpful and amazing. One woman shared that she experienced no judgment from her mind for 3 whole days (that's a huge achievement for her), another shared she found a deeper understanding of herself and inner peace, and a 3rd shared about how she got in touch with a deep pain in her heart she didn't see as clearly before. This…

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Daniel Moor

The Understanding That Changed My Life + [FREE WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT]

You are made of heart, mind, and SOULSELF. The embodied understanding of this can change your life. In truth, you are the self, you are the soul, but in this human vehicle you operate, you also have a mind and a heart. Another name for the heart in how I refer to it here, is the emotional body. At your best, you 3 are an awesome team, creating a better life for yourself, a better, happier you, and a better more happy, and thriving humanity. At worst, your mind can abuse your emotional body…

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Daniel Moor

Integrating Mind, Heart, Soul – A Vital Key To Your Happiness, Part 1

This is a topic I’m excited to talk about absolutely, as it’s been really benefitting my life. Mind – The mind is great at many things, like logic and abstract thinking. The strengths of the mind are clear rational thinking, and making connections between different dots and patterns that without it, wouldn’t be recognizable. Creating a schedule, being forward-thinking, being financially responsible, and remembering things. Doing math and science. Doing lenient tasks. These are things the mind…

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Daniel Moor

Spiritual Practice Can Save Your Life:

This morning I woke up with my nervous system feeling kind of iffy, disconnected, and stressed. It was an enjoyable and busy week in which I probably pushed it too much and moved at a pace that wasn't natural for it. I then went on with my day and because of that stress, I was consumed with worried thoughts the whole day Because of so much anxiety and hurry, I yelled at my partner for no good reason and we had a fight. I made lots of mistakes at work because I wasn’t focused, and then went on…

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Daniel Moor

Merry Christmas And Happy JEW Year🎅🎅

Hey there Reader, Merry Christmas!!🎅🎅 I hope you didn't cringe about my Happy "JEW" year joke too strongly. I rather hope that you find it cool that you're being wished Merry Christmas by a Jewish guy! 😆. I hope you are having a beautiful time with friends and family, feeling connected with unconditional gratitude and love. I also know that this time of year can be triggering, and if it is so for you in any way, please know that it's ok, that I love you, and that you deserve to be supported….

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Daniel Moor


I WISH THIS FUCKING WAR WOULD END! This is the expression that came into my mind with a gasp of sadness and tears, spontaneously as I was taking a shower and listening to some heartwarming music. And then I cried and let myself express my grief and tears for a bit. Then a calming came, and a sense of grace and love. This was not “me” a few years ago, a few years ago I would mock having tears, and I would be far from expressing such a free emotional expression. Even on a spiritual path, from…

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Daniel Moor

Why Your Trauma Can Be Used As Your Biggest Nectar Of Spiritual Growth

Very often, trauma is looked upon as a problem, as something that needs to be healed or fixed, or resolved or processed so that we can finally be “happy” and reach the state of happiness most people have and that we would have had, had we not experienced it. Or it’s looked at as something more psychological, something not as connected to spirituality. Indeed, much of the research and work on trauma that has been done is mostly psychologically based, and on the other side, many modern…

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[Complementary Workshop this Saturday] Why Unconditioned Awareness is the Secret Key to Change

Sometimes in doing the inner work for change, I get stuck and don’t understand why. In those moments, it seems to me that I know all about the patterns that are being activated, I know all about the different emotions, stories, and reactions that make that pattern alive, I even can logically tell that these stories and reactions are out of proportion and not true, YET, for some reason, I am not able to change them. It’s like I know the maze by heart, yet can’t get out, I understand what is…

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Seeing Myself

Hey there Reader, today I want to share a poem with you called, seeing myself that I wrote: Seeing myself: Today I took my dog down for a walk and I saw myself. I saw myself in my dog, the dog is myself, the dog is my own being. I then saw a cat, running towards us, that cat is myself, that cat is my own being. I looked around the trees and people moving by, they are also myself. I felt happy, and then felt a fear, the fear was saying: "What if I forget this understanding", and that fear is…

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