This Is The Most Essential Key To Healing

This Is The Most Essential Key To Healing

There are so many different techniques, methods, and approaches these days to healing.

Which is so so wonderful because more healing will bring about a more peaceful, caring, loving world.

But what happens when we get lost in all these techniques that we are that we feel overwhelmed and unsure which to choose?

Or when we jump from one technique to the next trying to fix ourselves with no avail, only to feel more and more frustrated and impatient.

Boy, that happens to me often, missing the simple essence of what healing really is – a return to wholeness.

The key to healing is one, and it is beautiful and simple: Presence.

Presence is what brings healing forth.

Presence is the ultimate healer.

All the techniques on top of presence are here as the icing on the cake, and as tools of facilitation for the deepening of presence to come through.

Presence is the simple non -act of feeling what we are feeling right now, of noticing our thoughts and our surroundings, of being in an intimate communion with everything around us.

Really, it cannot be defined, but it is what heals.

So in celebration of Presence, I invite you to the workshop I am facilitating in the Self Mastery community next Sunday, the 4th of August at 2 pm EST.

In the workshop you will be invited to be present with yourself in a deeper way, meeting a shadow part, some wound in your life you are challenged with, and being present with it in a compassionate, loving way, feeling it fully, so you invite forth healing and return to a deeper wholeness inside yourself.

We will use music, imagination and the power of the group to assist with the healing, and there will be time for Q&A and sharing at the end.

You are warmly welcome to join!

This is the link to sign up through the Self Mastery Community and RSVP:

Let’s stick to the essence and not get lost in the weeds, let’s stick to presence.

See you there!

In LovingKindness, Daniel❤️.

Table of Contents

The Tool That Changed My Life [And A Free Workshop Invite]

Back in 2022 I was working on healing some deeply embedded childhood trauma, and felt kinda stuck, like there was some deep layer I am not getting into, that I haven’t been accessing. At the time I was doing a lot of Character work healing sessions, and it was really helpful, but I also felt like I needed a boost of something more intense. I had this kind of strange image of just wanting someone to press on my body in places where there is stuck trauma, or just do something physical to help…

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3 Tips To Make The Most Out Of Your Spiritual Practice

I’ve been practicing the Spiritual work on a pretty much daily basis since 2018, Over the years of practice, I was looking for ways I can accelerate my progress and better make the changes I was looking to make. In that process, I learned that there are some things that

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