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This is the expression that came into my mind with a gasp of sadness and tears, spontaneously as I was taking a shower and listening to some heartwarming music.

And then I cried and let myself express my grief and tears for a bit.

Then a calming came, and a sense of grace and love.

This was not “me” a few years ago, a few years ago I would mock having tears, and I would be far from expressing such a free emotional expression.

Even on a spiritual path, from my ego I thought I was “beyond” these things, not knowing how disconnected I actually am.

This is not a coincidence, I learned to contain my expression at a very young age.

In fact, it runs in the family from my mother’s side, to not show our emotions, not show a strong expression, whether of love, anger, or sadness, but rather say “composed”.

And an underlying shame and fear about expressing feelings, with a belief that it’s something one doesn’t do.

But over the years, my expression has been becoming more and more open to all feelings

With myself it’s become much easier, with other people, there is that fear that shows up to do it, but I’m doing it anyway.

There is such a joy in having the freedom of full expression and emotions, without controlling anything.

It allows everything to flow. Pain, anger, and sadness don’t stay too long, just as much as needed, because I don’t keep them stuck.

Joy, happiness, and love come to visit often.

And peace is a permanent guest.

So is the sense of aliveness that comes with it all. Of actually FEELING life, it’s really fun!

So how did I learn to do it? From being 100% emotionally repressed to a much bigger emotional openness.

It all started for me by learning to sit and be present with the uncomfortable emotions inside me. Getting comfortable in the uncomfortable, getting comfortable in allowing emotions to flow, and seeing that I, awareness is totally ok with them being here!

That’s what I’m excited to share in the next trauma workshop I’m going in the Self Mastery Community: how to sit with difficult feelings so that we grow in awareness, consciousness, aliveness, and love.

So now I’d love to hear what’s your relationship with your feelings like? Please share in a reply, I’d love to read it.

Wherever you are in your journey is ok and exactly where you should be by the way❤️.


I created a video on how Trauma and emotional wounds are actually the biggest fuel for our soul’s growth that many people told me they benefitted from.

If you Haven’t seen it, you can click here to view.

Table of Contents

3 Tips To Make The Most Out Of Your Spiritual Practice

I’ve been practicing the Spiritual work on a pretty much daily basis since 2018, Over the years of practice, I was looking for ways I can accelerate my progress and better make the changes I was looking to make. In that process, I learned that there are some things that

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What Can These 2 Pillows Teach You About Finding Harmony Between Your Mind, Heart And Spirit?

Hey Reader, a few weeks ago I ran the first part of the Integrating Heart – Mind – Spirit workshop series, and from what people had to share, they found it really helpful and amazing. One woman shared that she experienced no judgment from her mind for 3 whole days (that’s a huge achievement for her), another shared she found a deeper understanding of herself and inner peace, and a 3rd shared about how she got in touch with a deep pain in her heart she didn’t see as clearly before. This…

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