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BE HERE NOW – A Story From A Challenging Week In My Life, And What I Learned From It

BE HERE NOW – A Story From A Challenging Week In My Life, And What I Learned From It

I want to share an observation of mine about life and spirituality in this email, it’s a bit long, but bear with me, and I hope it helps you see some things as it helped me.

I will share a few contrasting events I experienced in 1 week back in January, and what I observed from them about life, that hopefully can be helpful for you too.

On the second week of January I had a wonderful day, I talked to a teen client of mine and he had a real breakthrough with some decision around a breakup he was going through and whether to try and stay in the relationship or not, and he got clear that he wants to let the relationship go and thanked me for helping him.

Later that day I got some said news, a man from my highschool grade, who though I didn’t know well I will call a friend, died in the war in Gaza, at 24. And I felt sad.

An hour later another teen client came for a session which helped her. She also told me that since our meeting the week prior she was sleeping a lot better, 8 hours in fact. She feels much more energy and like it’s a lot easier to concentrate in school thanks to that (beforehand she slept only 5 hours a day to stress and general lack of knowledge of how important sleep is). I felt so warm in my heart about that and to my impact on her life.

A day later was the funeral, truly felt sad to see a funeral for a 24 year old man, so young, just my age.

To see one of my client who was a close friend and how sad he was, how sad his friends were, his parents, his young sister, it all felt sad and sometimes the grief felt overwhelming.

Then on the other hand, the funeral provided reunion with friends I haven’t seen in years, we got to talk, chat, connect, even laugh a bit and that felt so warm and nice.

An hour after the funeral ended I had a session with a client back at my house, which ended in more laughter, and expansions of unconditional love. And at the end of that day I went Hip Hop dancing and had a session with Gary.

The week continued, and while still processing some of the shock and grief, I was feeling pretty well again, and then I got the news my grandfather had a heart attack, and at the same time I was starting to develop COVID without my knowing, as symptoms started to come.

I saw my dear Grandpa at the hospital, not feeling much like himself, looking very weak and connected to many machines, talked to him a bit, even laughed a bit, supported him with what he needed.

My dear beautiful Grandpa ended up passing last Friday❤️.

And at the rest of that day went back home and taught a meditation class on the beach, the session went beautiful, the meditation I led ended up being about noticing silence and the gap between objects and thoughts, we all felt very peaceful at the end of it.

I then had a zoom session with a client I hadn’t seen in a while which was a beautiful experience to reconnect with him and seeing how much he’s grown, and met with my girlfriend for a nice dinner at evening time.

And as I experienced all of this, in 1 week, and reflecting on this now, I think about what a diverse, constantly moving experience life is.

I went through all of these different experiences in 1 week, with so many different emotions, and all of us do that day to day and month by month.

If we live closely in the present moment, then all these experiences pass by us as we move through them, with a sense of presence and stillness that provides a still, silent background for the fast-moving events of life to occur and move through and around us.

And I believe that this is the spiritual experience we all came for, and if we live deeply in the moment, it is a very emotionally rich experience.

If we live in the moment we don’t get stuck in 1 event and ruminate about it in our head constantly, and we also don’t think about the future so much, we just move through the experience of life in the here and now, and enjoy it as it is constantly changing.

Even with my grandfather passing, and his funeral yesterday, we all went from crying our heart out in the funeral as we spoke about him and saw him being buried, to going to his house for dinner, laughing and telling jokes with family members and friends coming to visit.

And that night I went to see 2 clients and had a wonderful time serving them over zoom.

This is life, it’s constantly changing, it’s beautiful, it’s sometimes painful, sometimes enriching and inspiring, and sometimes boring.

My invitation to you, my invitation to me is to keep moving, keep being present, having our attention HERE NOW, so we can experience it, truly experience and enjoy it.

And to do the necessary work to clear our attention away from anything that takes it out of HERE NOW, so that this moment can be fully enjoyed.

I enjoyed the last week. Even with my grandfather’s death.

I enjoyed that week in January I told you about, truly.

Because my attention is in the present, for much much of the time.

Sooo much more than it was all these years ago when I started doing this work, but it’s this work that allowed me to be present in the moment, and it’s this work that keeps allowing me to be present and enjoy my life fully, so I keep showing up and I keep doing it.

I hope this was helpful, and I hope you keep doing the inner work so that it may help you be present HERE NOW, and enjoy your life more deeply just as it does for me.

I love you, thank you if you read this far, Daniel❤️.

Table of Contents

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