If You Feel Like You Constantly Need To Fix Yourself – This Post Is For You

If You Feel Like You Constantly Need To Fix Yourself – This Post Is For You

Doing this inner work can sometimes feel really tiring.

Like you’re moving from one inner battle to another, perhaps with no end in sight, unsure if you’re making any progress or having any improvement.

Unsure if life is really changing in the way that you wish it to.

Maybe you’re wondering when you’re finally going to fix yourself and have everything be happy and perfect.

I sometimes feel like that as well.

Like life is a long journey towards healing\fixing myself, in order to achieve perfect happiness and that’s the whole purpose.

It can get very addicting to see it that way, especially for people who have been invested in spirituality therapy and personal growth for a long while.

But what if it’s not that way?

What if this journey isn’t about healing or fixing?

What if you’re already whole and complete and this journey is simply about clearly uncovering that,

and living an amazing, crazy life as you go through this journey of discovery and participation in the world?

That old pattern of fixing has been shifting for me,

as I learn to relook at my life and myself with more compassion and perhaps a bit more perspective and understanding.

Maybe as you’re reading this it’s starting to shift for you too, and maybe you’re starting to doubt that old lens of seeing life as well.

The more I examine my thoughts around my life, the more I realize that my life isn’t about fixing myself or healing or being perfect,

my life is more like a fun movie that I get to participate in and play the main character.

And just like any fun movie, the main character has to go through ups and downs, pains and hurts, as well as as heights and successes.

the main character goes through lessons, trials triumphs and challenges.

That’s what makes the movie fun and interesting!

And that’s how I’m starting to see life, like a 5D, full sensory experience movie, and I am embracing all of it(even the nasty difficult parts!).

To me, this culminated in one experience:

Being in a HIP-HOP dance lesson, and noticing a bunch of crazy irrational thoughts in my mind,

as well as my struggles with remembering the steps and moving my body fluidly

(my body was moving like a solid iceberg basically, which looked hilarious compared to the fluid movements of the instructor😆)

Then quietly laughing to myself as I think:

“Wow, there’s a lot to learn for me here, and I love this crazy life journey”,

Feeling a sense of love and embrace of all that I am – wounds, quirks, strengths, everything – even when I have crazy thoughts while at the same time failing to get even close to matching the lofty standards of our dance instructor.

And that’s what I’m practicing, embracing my life path, aswell as not taking my self seriously,

and I feel way happier for it than believing I and life are in need of constant work and constant fixing.

I’m learning life isn’t about fixing myself, but about evolving and learning in the journey, as I agree to fully enjoy and participate in it.

So do you also sometimes feel like you and your life are a problem that needs constant fixing and work?

If so, what would life look like for you if you were to approach it like a fun, adventurous roller coaster journey instead? Embracing all parts of it like a fun movie.

In LovingKindness, Daniel❤️.

Picture below from Dia De La Muertos in Mexico is just a reminder that we don’t have to take ourselves so seriously 🙂

Table of Contents

The Tool That Changed My Life [And A Free Workshop Invite]

Back in 2022 I was working on healing some deeply embedded childhood trauma, and felt kinda stuck, like there was some deep layer I am not getting into, that I haven’t been accessing. At the time I was doing a lot of Character work healing sessions, and it was really helpful, but I also felt like I needed a boost of something more intense. I had this kind of strange image of just wanting someone to press on my body in places where there is stuck trauma, or just do something physical to help…

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This Is The Most Essential Key To Healing

There are so many different techniques, methods, and approaches these days to healing. Which is so so wonderful because more healing will bring about a more peaceful, caring, loving world. But what happens when we get lost in all these techniques that we are that we feel overwhelmed and unsure which to choose? Or when we jump from one technique to the next trying to fix ourselves with no avail, only to feel more and more frustrated and impatient. Boy, that happens to me often, missing the…

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