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Merry Christmas And Happy JEW YearπŸŽ…πŸŽ…

Merry Christmas And Happy JEW YearπŸŽ…πŸŽ…

Hey there Reader, Merry Christmas!!πŸŽ…πŸŽ…

I hope you didn’t cringe about my Happy “JEW” year joke too strongly.

I rather hope that you find it cool that you’re being wished Merry Christmas by a Jewish guy! πŸ˜†.


I hope you are having a beautiful time with friends and family, feeling connected with unconditional gratitude and love.

I also know that this time of year can be triggering, and if it is so for you in any way, please know that it’s ok, that I love you, and that you deserve to be supported.

Please know it is very common to get triggered being around family at this time of year and know that you deserve some compassion for yourself.

And while I don’t know much about Christmas, having technically celebrated it 0 times in an official manner (though if you look below, you can totally see me rocking and celebrating with the awesome Santa Claus Doll I bought on my last trip to MexicoπŸŽ…πŸΏ),

there is one thing I do know and want to share with you, that I think is totally underrated in this time of year.

While many of us get busy, buying things for Christmas, taking flights, and thinking about our goals and desires for the next year, I think that something that deserves some much-needed love and attention is to honor and celebrate how far we’ve come in the year that passed.


To not only be concerned and think about what we need to buy, or what we need to achieve, but rather be grateful and proud of our wins in the that has passed.


So, if I may, I invite you, sometime in the next couple of weeks, to really Slow Down, relax, take a deep breath, and think about how far you’ve come.


Think of all the little steps forward you’ve made this year.

Because whether it is in your inner healing work, your business and jobcareer, your relationships, or maybe just a hobby you like doing and getting better at – I bet that you have come so so far, probably farther than you recognize, and give yourself credit for.

So if you want to take this opportunity to own and celebrate and enjoy how far you’ve come in the past year, I invite you to write down 3 wins you made in the past year, 3 steps of progress, whether big or small, you’ve done and want to celebrate share them with me as a reply to this email, because I am so happy for you, and I want to make sure you are celebrated and are not alone in celebrating the amazing progress you’ve made.

(And of course if you prefer, you can totally just write them down for yourself or share them with loved ones).

I promise you, that no matter what win you share, even if you think it is insignificant, it is a worthwhile little victory, a worthwhile step of progress on this journey of life that you’re on, that is absolutely worth a celebration.

So at this time of year and celebration, remember to also celebrate yourself, you’ve earned it.


I love you.

In Loving Kindness, Daniel❀️.





Table of Contents

3 Tips To Make The Most Out Of Your Spiritual Practice

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