The Power of Music

The Power of Music

*The following article is translated from Hebrew so may not be as grammatically correct as my more recent articles. *

The power of music and changing perspective:

“Music is the language of the soul” – unknown
We tend to identify with a particular sequence of thoughts that takes us for a round of stress (oh and by the way, we usually don’t notice and think we do). It happens to me too, it is very easy in the current political period.
I asked my amazing grandmother if there had ever been such demonstrations and divisions in the country. She simply replied, “No, I do not remember.” And so I find myself swept away even with thoughts and worries and a mind looking for “what can be done” in the face of the situation.
Until last night, I was working in the center of a warm home for at-risk youth and one of my co-workers there on TV was a lovely song I hadn’t heard before (link below). The name of the song is “Tel Aviv is me and you” by Amir and Ben together with the amazing band Jane Bordeaux.
Immediately my perspective changed, it’s like a mountain of heaviness was raised and I felt light and happy again and I enjoyed singing and dancing with the song (and Granite still suffers from hearing it in a loop, an addictive song). It is the power of changing point of view, suddenly I saw possibilities again from what would have seemed lost, in a second the world would have looked different.
The point is that we do not have to wait for an “accident” or accident for us to change our point of view, we can train our mind to do so successfully. Here’s one way to do this from the coach, the amazing writer Steve Chandler: Do you feel serious? Remember this abbreviation in English: LSD (not the drug):
L – Laughing
S – Singing
D – Dancing
With great simplicity, make one of them and your point of view will completely change. I have never seen anyone sing, laugh or dance full of anxiety or anger, it’s that simple. Give it a chance! Worked for me, can work for you!
an adventure:
Take a song you like, whichever you like. Allow yourself to go wild! Sing, dance!
Even if it’s alone in the room, even if you have no desire, even if you are not “in the mood” (which it does not mean). Treat it like an experiment and see what happens.
Need a song recommendation? Link below.

Table of Contents

The Tool That Changed My Life [And A Free Workshop Invite]

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